They amputated
Your thighs from my hips
As far as I’m concerned
They’re all surgeons
They dismantled us
Each from each other
As far as I’m concerned
They’re all engineers
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
Write for example
The night is shattered
To think I do not have her
To feel that I have lost her
Her voice her bright body
[spotifyplaybutton play=”spotify:track:3qiFEpFRwWOETCyaZgFndF”/]
Track information
Track: Engineers
Album: Reverend Genes
Lyrics: Anon translation
Vocals & production
Reverend Genes, Surry Hills, Australia
Guitars & machines
Cliff White, Surry Hills, Australia
Post production
Paris McCleod, Wyong, Australia
Assistant engineers
Shaun Cullerton & Brad Elzinga
Colin Abrahams, WoyWoy Bay, Australia
Bendy, Nicko, Mandy, friends & Newy
All songs & arrangements
©Reverend Genes
Tracks 3, 6, 8 & 10 lyrics by Nicko
Track 1 lyrics by Jack Marx
Track 5 lyrics anon translation