Reverend Genes
Album notes, tracks and lyrics
Reverend Genes was written and recorded near Newcastle NSW.
Along the East Coast of Australia, cruising endless roads, forests and beaches. Another trip, another bend, it felt like summer would never end, yet time was running, and no one stayed, the Lucky Country sang, and went away.
Vocals & production
Reverend Genes, Surry Hills, Australia
Guitars & machines
Cliff White, Surry Hills, Australia
Post production
Parris Macleod, Wyong, Australia
Assistant engineers
Shaun Cullerton & Brad Elzinga
Colin Abrahams, WoyWoy Bay, Australia
Bendy, Nicko, Mandy, friends & Newy
All songs & arrangements
©Reverend Genes
Tracks 3, 6, 8 & 10 lyrics by Nicko
Track 1 lyrics by Jack Marx
Track 5 lyrics anon translation